Judge: Curtis A. Kin, Case: 22STCV08380, Date: 2023-03-14 Tentative Ruling

Case Number: 22STCV08380    Hearing Date: March 14, 2023    Dept: 72



Date:               3/14/23 (8:30 AM)                                         

Case:               Alice Castor v. Flame Pizzeria, LLC et al. (22STCV08380)




Counsel Amitabh Banerji’s Motion to be Relieved as Counsel for defendant Flame Pizzeria, LLC is GRANTED. The Court signs the proposed order, submitted 1/31/23, with the modification at Paragraph 7b to reflect the hearing on the Court’s Order to Show Cause issued today.


Defendant Flame Pizzeria, LLC is ordered to appear on 4/5/23, at 8:30 a.m., in Department 72 (Stanley Mosk Courthouse) and show cause why its operative Answer should not be stricken on account of its status as an unrepresented corporate entity. Counsel is ordered to serve and file notice of this order to show cause within two (2) court days hereof.


Counsel will be relieved effective upon the filing of the proofs of service of the signed order and notice of the order to show cause upon the client.