Judge: David A. Hoffer, Case: 30-20-21-01195670, Date: 2022-07-25 Tentative Ruling

Plaintiff Cue Industries, LLC’s (“Plaintiff”) unopposed Motion to Deem the Truth of Matters and Genuineness of Documents (“Motion”) is GRANTED.


Plaintiff served Requests for Admission (“RFA”) (among other written discovery requests) on defendant ARC, LLC (“ARC”).  ARC failed to serve any responses.  Pursuant to Civ. Proc. Code § 2033.280, ARC has waived any objections to the RFA and Plaintiff’s Motion is proper.  The court hereby deems the RFA and the genuineness of the documents attached thereto as admitted.


The court also awards monetary sections in the amount of $1,260 pursuant to Civ. Proc. Code §§ 2023.010(d) and 2033.280.  This equates to $400/hr. x 3 hours + $60 filing fee = $1,260.


Monetary sanctions are due within 60-days of written notice of the court’s order.


Plaintiff is ordered to give notice.