Judge: Elaine Lu, Case: 22STCV34241, Date: 2023-05-17 Tentative Ruling

Case Number: 22STCV34241    Hearing Date: May 17, 2023    Dept: 26


On May 17, 2023, Counsel for the parties participated in an informal discovery conference with the Court, at the conclusion of which the parties agreed as follows:

            Within 30 days (by June 16, 2023), Defendants will voluntarily serve supplemental code-compliant responses to Requests for Production, set one, numbers 1-19.  Plaintiff’s deadline to file a timely motion to compel further responses to Requests for Production, set one, is extended to July 7, 2023.

            The parties did not reach agreement on Form Interrogatories, Set One, and Requests for Admissions, Set One.  The parties stipulated to extend the deadline for Plaintiff to file timely motions to compel further responses to Form Interrogatories, Set One, and Requests for Admissions, Set One to June 16, 2023.

            This stipulation was posted on the LASC tentative ruling website and reviewed by all Counsel.  All Counsel stipulated to the above in open court prior to the Court finalizing this minute order.


For any motion to compel further in this action that has been filed or will be filed in the future, the responding party’s voluntary service of supplemental responses prior to the hearing will moot all issues for the motion except for sanctions.  The parties are ordered to meet and confer regarding sanctions and to file a joint statement within 5 days of the service of supplemental responses; the joint statement must advise that supplemental responses have been served and advise whether the parties have been able to resolve the sole remaining issue of sanctions.  In order to demonstrate that supplemental responses have been served thereby mooting a pending motion to compel further, the responding party must also file and serve a copy of the verified supplemental responses no later than when the opposition is due.  If the moving party deems that the supplemental responses remain deficient and/or non-code compliant, the moving party must timely (within 45 days of service of the supplemental responses) file and serve a new motion to compel further complying with all statutory requirements, including a meet and confer regarding the supplemental responses and a separate statement that includes all responses (original and supplemental).  The moving party may contact Department 26 to request a further informal discovery conference to discuss the remaining disputes following the service of supplemental responses.  The parties are ordered to file a joint statement of items remaining in dispute no later than 5 days before the further IDC.

            The Court Clerk shall give electronic notice to all parties.