Judge: Elaine Lu, Case: 23STCP00203, Date: 2023-03-13 Tentative Ruling

Case Number: 23STCP00203    Hearing Date: March 13, 2023    Dept: 26

Petitioner must double check the spelling and legibility of the new name on the proposed decree.  If Petitioner is satisfied with the spelling and legibility of the new name on the proposed decree, NO APPEARANCE IS NECESSARY.   If the new name is not clearly written and correctly spelled on the proposed decree, Petitioner must appear at the hearing to submit a corrected proposed decree.  The petition is granted.  A copy of the signed decree will be available in Room 112 of the Clerk's Office seven days after the date of the hearing.  Once the proposed decree is signed, it cannot be amended without a new petition to change name.