Judge: Elaine W. Mandel, Case: 22SMCV00328, Date: 2023-03-02 Tentative Ruling

Case Number: 22SMCV00328    Hearing Date: March 2, 2023    Dept: P

Tentative Ruling

Bespoke Financial, Inc. v. Kalifornia Green Akres, Inc., Case No. 22SMCV00328

Hearing Date March 2, 2023

Motion to be Relieved as Counsel (UNOPPOSED)



Paul V. Gallegos, counsel for defendants Kalifornia Green Akres, Inc. and Candace Starr moves to be relieved. The motion was properly served on defendants an opposing counsel, and includes all three required judicial council forms. Mr. Gallegos states the reasons for withdrawing are confidential, protected by the attorney-client privilege and the work product doctrine. No substantive hearings are currently scheduled and therefore withdrawal is unlikely to result in substantial prejudice.


Tentatively GRANTED. Counsel will provide more detail via in-camera hearing regarding the basis for withdrawal.