Judge: Kevin C. Brazile, Case: 21STLC05016, Date: 2022-07-27 Tentative Ruling

Hearing Date: July 27, 2022

Case Name: AMAG, Inc. v. Cubas, et al.

Case No.: 21STCV38459

Matter: Notice of Related Cases

Ruling: The notice of related cases is denied.

AMAG, Inc. to give notice.

A notice of related case has been filed with respect to case no. 22STCV20378. 

The inquiry on a notice of related cases is whether the cases at issue (1) involve the same parties and are based on the same or similar claims; (2) arise from the same or substantially identical transactions, incidents, or events requiring the determination of the same or substantially identical questions of law or fact; (3) involve claims against, title to, possession of, or damages to the same property; or (4) are likely for other reasons to require substantial duplication of judicial resources if heard by different judges.  (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.300(a).)

21STCV38459 is a fraudulent transfer action by AMAG, Inc. alleging Defendants are attempting to evade the judgment in BC587406.   22STCV20378 is a case filed by AMAG, Inc.’s counsel, Wilfred Killian, alleging that Defendants defamed him when they stated in a declaration in 18STCV01201 that Killian stole their mail.  

These cases do not have sufficient factual similarity to warrant them being related.  The notice of related cases is denied.

AMAG, Inc. to give notice.

Case Number: 21STLC05016    Hearing Date: July 27, 2022    Dept: 20

Tentative Ruling

Judge Kevin C. Brazile

Department 20