Judge: Kevin C. Brazile, Case: 22STCV06520, Date: 2023-03-17 Tentative Ruling
Counsel may submit on the tentative ruling without appearing at the hearing by emailing Dept. 20 as soon as possible after reviewing a posted tentative. Though the Court makes every effort to post tentatives at least a day ahead of the hearing, this cannot be guaranteed due to the volume of motions. The email address is smcdept20@lacourt.org. In the subject line include:
1) The name and number of the case;
2) The word "SUBMITTING" or “NOT SUBMITTING” in all caps; and
3) The date of hearing.
In the body of the email include your name, contact information, and the party you represent (i.e. Defendant/moving party; Plaintiff/opposing party). Include all other parties on the email by "cc". Do not include any comments, questions or other information on your email.
PLEASE DO NOT call the court to submit on the tentative or to confirm receipt of your email. If you follow the instructions above, you will receive an automatic reply to your email confirming receipt of your email. If all parties submit, the tentative ruling will become the final ruling after the hearing date, the court will sign applicable orders/judgments, if any, and the final ruling will be posted online with the minute order. The moving party shall give notice of the final ruling.
If you submit on the tentative, you must immediately notify the other side by email that you will not appear at the hearing. If you submit on the tentative and elect not to appear at the hearing, the opposing party may nevertheless appear at the hearing and argue the motion.
Tentative rulings are not invitations nor opportunities, to file further documents relative to the hearing in question. No such document will be considered by the Court.
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No ex-parte communications via email. Always copy all parties in all emails to Court.
Do not use email to file documents in Court. All documents must be filed in the Clerk’s office. Emails are not part of the official Court record. Do not use the email for any other purpose other than submitting/not submitting on tentative rulings or as ordered by the Court. Do not "cc" the Court on emails among the attorneys, parties or others. Do not use the email to ask questions regarding a case. For frequently asked questions go to the Court Information for Department 20 at www.lacourt.org.
The Court will not respond to inappropriate emails.
WARNING: Inappropriate use or misuse of the Court’s email or violation of these or other rules may result in sanctions, including blocking receipt of emails by that sender, after the first misuse/violation.
Case Number: 22STCV06520 Hearing Date: March 17, 2023 Dept: 20
Tentative Ruling
Judge Kevin C. Brazile