Judge: Layne H. Melzer, Case: 2021-01206212, Date: 2022-08-11 Tentative Ruling

Non-Parties Armon  Medali, Sammy  Medali, Intellipax, Inc.
1. Motion to Quash
Non-Party  Chelsea  Medali
2. Motion to Quash Subpoena
Non-Parties Armon  Medali, Sammy  Medali, Intellipax, Inc.
3. Motion to Quash Subpoena
Non-Parties Armon  Medali, Sammy  Medali, Intellipax, Inc.
4. Motion to Quash Subpoena


Before the court are Motions to Quash subpoenas issued for third-parties Intellipax, Inc., Armon Medali, Sammy Medal, and Chelsea Medali relating to a lawsuit in Texas issued by Plaintiff Nefarb Packaging West LLC


Plaintiff notified the court that there are actually two separate case numbers, 2021-01206212 and 2021-01206331. (ROA 52) It appears that everything but a protective order and an application for the issuance of the Intellipax subpoena is filed in the present case number. Moving forward, all papers are to be filed in the 2021-01206212 case.


Counsel for Plaintiff Nefab Packaging West LLC asks for its attorney in the Texas case (Jeffrey L. Mills, Texas Bar No. 24074726, who is not licensed in California) to be able to appear and speak that this hearing.


To appear pro hac vice, an application must be filed with the superior court with specific averments required and proof of payment of an application fee to the State Bar. (California Rules of Court, rule 9.40(c)(d) and (e).)


The court will continue the hearing on these Motions to Quash to permit such an application to be filed and heard so Texas Counsel is able to appear and argue in opposition to these Motions.


Parties are to come to court prepared to discuss these procedural issues.