Judge: Layne H. Melzer, Case: 2021-01218125, Date: 2022-08-11 Tentative Ruling

Dft. Mercury Insurance Company
1. Motion to Compel Answers to Special Interrogatories
Dft. Mercury Insurance Company
2. Motion to Compel Production
3. Status Conference re: ADR


The court is inclined to grant respondent Mercury Insurance Company’s motions for orders compelling claimant Spencer Valles to serve responses to the supplemental interrogatory and supplemental request for production served by Respondent and to award $538 in sanctions against Claimant.


The court’s record does not reflect the identity or address of Claimant’s counsel. Respondent’s counsel should be prepared to confirm on the record the identity and correct physical and electronic addresses for Claimant’s counsel and that this is where service of the discovery and motions were made.


Upon confirmation of Claimant’s counsel’s addresses, the court will find as follows:


Respondent propounded a supplemental interrogatory and supplemental request for production on Claimant on 4/29/22.  Petitioner’s counsel sent correspondent to Claimant’s counsel regarding the lack of responses, but none have been forthcoming.  (Norling Decl., ¶¶ 2-4.)


Claimant has not opposed these motions.


Because Respondent has demonstrated that the discovery requests were served on Claimant, the deadline has passed, and no responses were served or have been served as of the date of the hearing, orders compelling responses and production are appropriate. (See Code Civ. Proc., §§ 2030.290, 2031.300.)   


Moving party to give notice.