Judge: Linda S. Marks, Case: 2020-01151523, Date: 2022-08-17 Tentative Ruling

Motion to Compel Answers to Special Interrogatories filed by Dale Rathburn on 4/1/22


Special Interrogatory Nos. 32-67: Grant as to the four individuals promoted the same month of Pltf’s termination; Deny as to the employees hired in the one-year time period after Pltf’s termination;


Production of Documents No. 91: This Request is overbroad – it seeks all documents that refer or relate to the promotion of employees; Deny;


Production of Documents No. 92: No apparent probative value in production of these employees’ entire personnel files; Deny;


Production of Documents No. 93: Private information such as contact information can be redacted to preserve the privacy of the employees; Grant;


Requests for Production Nos. 94-105: Pltf will be obtaining information regarding these employees through his Special Interrogs and performance reviews and evaluation records through No. 93; Further, these requests related to promotion are identical to No. 91; Deny as to these requests;


Requests for Production Nos. 106 and 115: These requests are overbroad – There is no apparent relevancy of all documents that refer or relate to PAC’s hiring of any employees to the five listed positions; Deny as to Nos. 106 and 115;


Requests Nos. 107-114: Insufficient showing that these eight employees were hired into the same position as he; These Requests are overbroad and seek documents that Pltf has not shown are relevant; Deny as to Requests Nos. 107-114;