Judge: Lynne M. Hobbs, Case: 22STCV05113, Date: 2023-05-18 Tentative Ruling

Case Number: 22STCV05113    Hearing Date: May 18, 2023    Dept: 30




Motion to Continue Trial:  Granted. 

Parties are to consult with the JA for a trial date no later than February 28, 2024.  All related trial dates to correspond to the new trial date. 

Moving party to give notice.

Rationale:  Motion for Summary Judgment must be heard before the trial date.  The earliest date given in the reservation system was after the trial date.  No opposition filed.

To understand the
Procedures in the Personal Injury (PI) Courts, Counsel are directed to download
and carefully review the Los Angeles Superior Court's
 " Eighth Amended Standing Order for Procedures in the Personal
Injury Hub Courts (Effective October 10, 2022)
” available on
the  Court's website: [www.lacourt.org PI
Courts link)(Eighth Amended Standing Order Re: Personal Injury Procedures –
Central District].

Any Party intending to proceed by Jury Trial must post jury fees within 5-court days.