Judge: Mark C. Kim, Case: 21STCV41206, Date: 2023-03-14 Tentative Ruling

Case Number: 21STCV41206    Hearing Date: March 14, 2023    Dept: S27

Plaintiff’s attorney seeks to be relieved as counsel, contending a conflict has risen between him and his client such that further representation is not possible.  The Court has one concern about the moving papers, and Counsel must appear and clarify if he wishes to have his motion granted.  The declaration in support of the motion states that Counsel served Plaintiff by mail at a confirmed address.  The proof of service, however, states that Counsel served Plaintiff by email and personal service. 


If Counsel appears and clarifies service to the satisfaction of the Court, the motion will be granted.  If he fails to do so, the motion will be denied without prejudice.  The Court notes that there is a CMC on calendar on 3/29/23, but there are no additional future hearing dates, and there is no trial date; Plaintiff will therefore not be prejudiced if his attorney is relieved from representation at this stage of the proceedings.