Judge: Mark C. Kim, Case: 22LBCV00319, Date: 2023-03-09 Tentative Ruling

Case Number: 22LBCV00319    Hearing Date: March 9, 2023    Dept: S27

Plaintiff seeks an order consolidating 22LBCV00319 with 22LBCV0019.  Plaintiff filed its motion on 12/07/22 and set it for hearing on 1/26/23 in Department S26.  On 1/26/23, S26 denied the motion, finding it should have been filed in Department S27, which has the lower-numbered case.  The Court continued the hearing to 3/09/23 in Department S27.


The motion is denied.  Local Rule 3.3(g)(1) requires cases to be pending in the same department before being consolidated.  22LBCV00319 is pending in Department S26 and 22LBCV00190 (mis-cited as 22LBCV0019 throughout the moving papers) is pending in Department S27.  Notably, on 10/17/22, this Court entered an order finding the cases NOT related.  Absent an order relating the cases, the cases cannot be consolidated. 


Plaintiff is ordered to give notice. 


Parties who intend to submit on this tentative must send an email to the court at gdcdepts27@lacourt.org indicating intention to submit on the tentative as directed by the instructions provided on the court website at www.lacourt.orgIf the department does not receive an email indicating the parties are submitting on the tentative and there are no appearances at the hearing, the motion may be placed off calendar.  If a party submits on the tentative, the party’s email must include the case number and must identify the party submitting on the tentative. If any party does not submit on the tentative, the party should make arrangements to appear remotely at the hearing on this matter.