Judge: Michael P. Linfield, Case: BC527716, Date: 2022-08-03 Tentative Ruling

Case Number: BC527716    Hearing Date: August 3, 2022    Dept: 34

SUBJECT:                 Motion for Leave to Amend Complaint

Moving Party:          Plaintiff James Murtaugh, M.D. (“Murtaugh”)

Resp. Party:             None



Plaintiff James Murtaugh, M.D.’s Motion for Leave to Amend Complaint is GRANTED.


I.           BACKGROUND


On November 15, 2013, Plaintiff James Murtagh, M.D. filed a complaint against Defendants Clark Baker and the Office of Medical & Scientific Justice, Inc., alleging the following causes of action:


1.   Intentional Interference with Contractual Relations

2.   Inducing Breach of Contract

3.   Injunction


On July 1, 2022, Murtaugh moved the Court for an order granting leave to file a Fourth Amended Complaint. No opposition has been filed.




A.          Legal Standard


The court may, in furtherance of justice and on any proper terms, allow a party to amend any pleading. (CCP § 473, subd. (a)(1); Branick v. Downey Savings & Loan Association (2006) 39 Cal.4th 235, 242.) The court may also, in its discretion and after notice to the adverse party, allow, upon any terms as may be just, an amendment to any pleading or proceeding in other particulars; and may upon like terms allow an answer to be made after the time limited by this code. (CCP § 473, subd. (a); Branicksupra, 39 Cal.4th at 242.)  “This discretion should be exercised liberally in favor of amendments, for judicial policy favors resolution of all disputed matters in the same lawsuit.” (Kittredge Sports Co. v. Superior Court (1989) 213 Cal.App.3d 1045, 1047.) Leave to amend is thus liberally granted, provided there is no statute of limitations concern. (Kolani v. Gluska (1998) 64 Cal.App.4th 402, 411.) The court may deny the plaintiff’s leave to amend if there is prejudice to the opposing party, such as delay in trial, loss of critical evidence, or added costs of preparation. (Ibid.)  


Under California Rules of Court, rule 3.1324, a motion to amend a pleading before trial must (1) include a copy of the proposed amendment or amended pleading, which must be serially numbered to differentiate it from previous pleadings or amendments; (2) state what allegations in the previous pleading are proposed to be deleted, if any, and where, by page, paragraph and line number, the deleted allegations are located; and (3) state what allegations are proposed to be added to the previous pleading, if any, and where, by page, paragraph, and line number, the additional allegations are located. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.1324(a).) A separate supporting declaration specifying (1) the effect of the amendment; (2) why the amendment is necessary and proper; (3) when the facts giving rise to the amended allegations were discovered; and (4) the reason why the request for amendment was not made earlier must accompany the motion. (Id., rule 3.1324(b).) 


B.          Discussion


The Court finds that the instant motion:


·                    Includes a copy of the proposed and serially numbered Fourth Amended Complaint (Linke Decl., ¶ 2, Ex. A.);

·                    States what allegations from the operative Third Amended Complaint are proposed to be deleted, but not by page, paragraph, and line number (Motion, MPA, p. 4:2-14.);

·                    States what allegations from the operative Third Amended Complaint are proposed to be added, but not by page, paragraph, and line number (Motion, MPA, p. 4:2-14.).


The Declaration of Derek Linke, counsel of record for Dr. Murtaugh:


1.           States the effect of the amendment (Linke Decl., ¶¶ 3-6.);

2.           States why the amendment is necessary and proper (Linke Decl., ¶¶ 7, 8.);

3.           States when the facts giving rise to the amended allegations were discovered (Linke Decl., ¶¶ 9-17.);

4.           States the reason why the request for amendment was not made earlier (Linke Decl., ¶¶ 9-17.).




Plaintiff James Murtaugh, M.D.’s Motion for Leave to Amend Complaint is GRANTED.