Judge: Michael Shultz, Case: 22CMCP00097, Date: 2022-08-16 Tentative Ruling

Case Number: 22CMCP00097    Hearing Date: August 16, 2022    Dept: A

22CMCP00097 In the Matter of: Myriam Karina Reyes Munguia

Order to Show Cause: Tuesday, August 16, 8:30 a.m.




            The court has considered the Petition for Change of Name filed on August 1, 2022 by Myriam Karina Reyes Munguia, to change name to Karim Reyes Munguia in order to conform to Petitioner’s identity. Petitioner is over 18 years old. The Petition is exempt from the requirements for publication of the Order to Show Cause. However, the Criminal History Assessment filed on August 1, 2022, could not be completed because Petitioner did not provide a driver’s license number or identification number.

            Therefore, the court continues the hearing to October 18, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. in Department A of the Compton courthouse. Petitioner shall re-submit a completed Name Change Criminal History Assessment form disclosing either a driver’s license number or a California Identification number, or a declaration explaining why a driver’s license number or California Identification number cannot be disclosed. The foregoing documents shall be filed no later than 10 court days before the continued hearing date.