Judge: Peter Wilson, Case: 2020-01143164, Date: 2022-08-04 Tentative Ruling

Having reviewed the papers, including all supplemental papers, filed in connection with the Motion for Preliminary Approval of $1,190,000 Class and PAGA Action Settlement, the parties should be prepared to discuss the following at the hearing:


1.    The definition of PAGA Released Claims in the 8/2/2022 Amendment refers to “PAGA Period facts alleged in the Complaint and LWDA Notice”. What is meant by this phrase?


2.    At paragraph 29 and 42, the Supp. Kazandjian Declaration appears to provide materially different estimates of the maximum exposure of damages ($36,501,714 v. $12,754,953). What is the basis for this discrepancy?


Should these issues be resolved to the satisfaction of the Court, the Court will GRANT the Motion subject to the following:


$ 476,000.00 for Attorney’s Fees (not to exceed); 

$ 25,000.00 for Litigation costs (not to exceed);

$ 10,000.00 for Settlement Administrator’s Fees and Costs (not to exceed);

$ 75,000.00 for the LWDA’s share of $100,000 total PAGA penalties.


A revised proposed Order must be submitted within 5 court days and remove the attorneys’ contact information on the caption page and update the year for the Final Approval hearing.


Plaintiff is ordered to give notice, including to the LWDA.