Judge: Peter Wilson, Case: 2021-01194324, Date: 2022-08-18 Tentative Ruling

Having reviewed the papers filed in connection with the Motion for Preliminary Approval of $3,300,000 Class and PAGA Action Settlement, the Court GRANTS the Motion subject to the following:


$ 10,000.00 for Plaintiff’s Enhancement (not to exceed);

$ 1,099,890.00 for Attorney’s Fees (not to exceed) 

$ 25,000.00 for Litigation costs (not to exceed);

$ 9,500.00 for Settlement Administrator’s Fees and Costs (not to exceed) and

$ 75,000.00 for the LWDA’s share (75%) of the $100,000 total PAGA penalties.

Plaintiff is ordered to give notice, including to the LWDA, and file a proof of service within 5 court days.


The status conference is off calendar as moot.