Judge: Theodore R. Howard, Case: 19-1068571, Date: 2022-08-04 Tentative Ruling

Plaintiff Robert Baron’s Motion “to Strike or Tax Costs,” filed on 2/14/22, is DENIED.


Although the Motion was not brought under C.C.P. § 1008(a), it is effectively a Motion for Reconsideration, as it attempts to argue anew about prior rulings with which Plaintiff disagrees. But this Motion does not meet the requirements for reconsideration under C.C.P. § 1008, so Plaintiff’s arguments as to prior rulings in the case will not be considered anew here. And as Plaintiff has failed to present any objection as to any specific item of the claimed costs here or any portion thereof, there is nothing more for the Court to consider on this Motion. (See C.R.C. 3.1700(b)(2) [“Unless objection is made to the entire cost memorandum, the motion to strike or tax costs must refer to each item objected to by the same number and appear in the same order as the corresponding cost item claimed on the memorandum of costs and must state why the item is objectionable.”].) The Motion is therefore DENIED.


Counsel for Regents to give notice.