Judge: Upinder S. Kalra, Case: 22STCV17692, Date: 2023-03-03 Tentative Ruling
Case Number: 22STCV17692 Hearing Date: March 3, 2023 Dept: 51
Tentative Ruling
Judge Upinder S.
Kalra, Department 51
3, 2023
Funding LLC v. Grigor Demirtchian
CASE NO.: 22STCV17692
CCP § 585 permits entry of a
judgment after a Defendant fails to timely answer following proper service of
process. A party seeking judgment on the default by the Court must file a
Request for Court Judgment, and provide: (1) a brief summary of the case; (2)
declarations or other admissible evidence in support of the judgment requested;
(3) interest computations as necessary; (4) a memorandum of costs and
disbursements; (5) a proposed form of judgment; (6) a dismissal of all parties
against whom judgment is not sought; (7) a dismissal of all parties against
whom judgment is not sought or an application for separate judgment under CCP §
579, supported by a showing of grounds for each judgment; (8) exhibits as
necessary; and (9) a request for attorneys’ fees if allowed by statute or by
the agreement of the parties. (CRC Rule 3.1800.)
Proof of Service of Process: Proof of Service by Mail as to the
Summons, Complaint, etc. was filed on 6/24/2022. It indicates that service was
effected via personal service.
Request for Entry of Default: CIV-105 was filed on 9/12/2022. Entry
of Default was GRANTED on 9/12/2022.
Prove Up: Plaintiff seeks entry of judgment against Defendant in
the amounts shown below:
(1) Demand of Complaint: $
(2) Interest: $
(3) Costs: $
(4) Attorneys’ Fees: $
Total: $ 81.538.50
In support, the following documents have been provided:
A brief summary of the case: The Declaration of
Dimeshia Hook provides a brief summary of the matter.
Declarations or other admissible evidence in support
of the judgment requested: Declaration of Dimeshia Hook was filed on 9/12/2022.
Dimeshia Hook is an authorized representative for Plaintiff. The Declaration
contains four Exhibits.
Interest computations as necessary: N/A as Plaintiff
waived interest.
Memorandum of costs and disbursements: Paragraph 10 of
CIV-105 states that $435 is for Clerk’s filing fees and $150 is for Process
server’s fees.
Proposed form of judgment: Form JUD-100 was
filed on 9/12/2022.
Dismissal of all parties against whom judgment is not
Form CIV-110 was filed on 9/12/2022.
Dismissal of all parties against whom judgment is not
sought or an application for separate judgment under CCP § 579, supported by a
showing of grounds for each judgment: N/A
Exhibits as necessary: Exhibits A-D are
attached to Dimeshia Hook.
Request for attorneys’ fees if allowed by statute or
by the agreement of the parties. (CRC Rule 3.1800.): N/A as Plaintiff
waived attorney fees.
Previously, the Court identified an issue with addresses.
The Proof of Service of Summons indicates that Defendant was served at an
address on Monterey Road in Glendale. Exhibit D of the Hook Declaration
indicates under Borrow information for Defendant that the address is a PO Box
in Glendale, but then later states that borrower’s address from charge-off
creditor’s records is an apartment on Winona Boulevard in Los Angeles. The
Court has reviewed the Account Summary Report dated 2-1-22 prepared by
Resurgent Capital attached to the 12-22-22 Declaration Pursuant to CCP 585 that
identifies the source of information for the apartment on Winona Boulevard was
from historical records kept by Citibank. The Court also reviewed the 6/17/22 proof
of personal service of defendant by a registered process server who declares
that defendant identified himself as the named defendant. With this evidence,
the Court is satisfied that Due Process has been satisfied and that Defendant
was adequately put on Notice of these proceedings and the amount of judgment
the foregoing reasons, the Court decides the pending motion as follows:
Default is GRANTED in the amount of $81,538.50.
Moving party is to give notice.
Dated: March 2, 2023 __________________________________ Upinder
S. Kalra
of the Superior Court