Judge: Upinder S. Kalra, Case: 22STCV25561, Date: 2023-03-08 Tentative Ruling

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Case Number: 22STCV25561    Hearing Date: March 8, 2023    Dept: 51

Tentative Ruling


Judge Upinder S. Kalra, Department 51


HEARING DATE:   March 8, 2023                                    


CASE NAME:           Surfx Technologies LLC v. Luke Douglas Plubell


CASE NO.:                22STCV25561




MOVING PARTY: Plaintiff Surfx Technologies, LLC


RESPONDING PARTY(S): None as of March 2, 2023.



On August 8, 2022, Plaintiff Surfx Technologies (“Plaintiff”) filed a complaint against Defendant Luke Douglas Plubell (“Defendant.”) The complaint alleged one cause of action for alter ego liability. The complaint alleges that Plaintiff entered into a written contract, an Engagement Agreement, with Cronin Consulting, LLC in 2008. In 2017, Defendant Plubell informed Surfx that his corporate entity, Waterfront, had assumed the Engagement Agreement and would provide the same services to Plaintiff that Cronin had. Plaintiff alleges that Defendant overcharged for services, charged for services that weren’t provided, and posted charges to Plaintiff’s credit card. Plaintiff terminated the agreement in 2020, and brought an action against Waterfront on August 28, 2020. Default was entered against Waterfront in February 2021 in the amount of $75,531.10.


This complaint was brought against Plubell to apply the judgment in the prior action as alter ego of the corporate judgment debtor. Plaintiff alleges that Plubell allowed Waterfront to be suspended by the California Franchise Tax Board and that Waterfront is a shell, instrumentality, and conduit for Plubell’s individual business activities.


On August 9, 2022, Plaintiff filed a Notice of Related Case.


On November 30, 2022, Plaintiff filed a Request for Entry of Default, which was GRANTED.



CCP § 585 permits entry of a judgment after a Defendant fails to timely answer following proper service of process. A party seeking judgment on the default by the Court must file a Request for Court Judgment, and provide: (1) a brief summary of the case; (2) declarations or other admissible evidence in support of the judgment requested; (3) interest computations as necessary; (4) a memorandum of costs and disbursements; (5) a proposed form of judgment; (6) a dismissal of all parties against whom judgment is not sought; (7) a dismissal of all parties against whom judgment is not sought or an application for separate judgment under CCP § 579, supported by a showing of grounds for each judgment; (8) exhibits as necessary; and (9) a request for attorneys’ fees if allowed by statute or by the agreement of the parties. (CRC Rule 3.1800.)




Proof of Service of Process: Proof of Service by Mail of the Default Judgment packet was submitted on 1/17/2023.


Request for Entry of Default: CIV-100 was filed on 11/30/22, which was GRANTED.


Prove Up: Plaintiff Surfx Technologies LLC, seeks entry of judgment against Defendant Luke Douglas Plubell in the amounts shown below:


(1)        Demand of Complaint:           $71,531.10

(2)        Interest:                                   $14,913.74

(3)        Costs:                                      $6,727.15 (5,581.20+1,145.95)

(4)        Attorneys’ Fees:                      $ 0.00

Total:                                                  $93,171.99


In support of Plaintiff’s request, the following documents have been submitted:













            For the foregoing reasons, the Court decides the pending motion as follows:


            Default Judgment is GRANTED.


Moving party is to prepare updated judgment and give notice.




Dated:             March 8, 2023             __________________________________                                                                                                                Upinder S. Kalra

                                                                                    Judge of the Superior Court